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Barely naked

Myth, Legend, or Phenomenon?

I knew when I woke up the day was going to take me through some challenging emotions but I knew at the end of the day, it would be okay. It was okay to speak and it was okay to be silent. What, however, would I do when the smoke cleared? First task, get through the fire! So I woke up. I opened my eyes and looked back and that's when I heard the first voice say, "You've got to look ahead. Look forward, because you have no choice but to face the day. It's how you face it that matters." It was a new day, a new hour, and I hadn't been in public since the surgery but I was here. Shaken, stirred, and poured over ice I was ready to serve and/or be served. Less than an inch of hair, still a bit sore but anxious one of the main thoughts I had was that I was missing my locs already. I'd cut them off. I had just gotten rid of 12 years of thousands, maybe millions of strands of energy of good times, bad times, hard times, and such. It was a burden lifted but it never defined me anyhow. So what did? How can I explain who I am, what I am about, where I come from? The only thing I could think of was to be me. So me, and my Aquarius mind figured I would give you a portal to catch a glimpse of the phenomenon that is me-vault to gain access to the ride and permission to take the journey with me.

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